
Bellarmine Student Receives Video Contest Recognition

James Weaver '27 Law

Bellarmine’s James Weaver ’27 has been selected as a winner in the prestigious Law Day 2024 Video Contest organized by the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, and the Santa Clara County Bar Association. “Mr. Weaver’s remarkable video submission stood out among numerous entries from talented students in our Continue Reading...

Bells Athletics Signing Ceremony

Spring Signing Day Spirit Week 2024

A signing ceremony took place in Bellarmine’s Hall of Honor the morning of April 24 as 11 Bell seniors made their commitments to continue their athletic and academic endeavors after graduation. The participants and their selected schools are as follows Continue Reading...

Distinguished Alumnus Speaks at Senior Networking Luncheon

Senior Network Luncheon 2024

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. D. Scott McKean ‘86 returned to campus as the keynote speaker at the 16th Annual Senior Networking Luncheon held March 19 in the Samuel A. Liccardo Center. The event places Bellarmine alumni with senior students who have expressed an interest in pursuing similar careers. Nearly 100 alumni spanning seven decades, and Continue Reading...

48th Golden Bell Auction a Success

Golden Bell 2024

Bellarmine College Prep held its 48th Golden Bell Auction on campus the evening of March 9, with 400 guests in attendance. The annual event benefits the school’s Direct Tuition Assistance Fund, providing support for 25 percent of Continue Reading...

Ten Bells Named National Merit Finalists

National Merit Semifinalist, National Merit Semifinalist 2023

All ten Bellarmine seniors who were among the more than 16,000 Semifinalists in the 69th annual National Merit® Scholarship Program, have all been named as Finalists. The National Merit® Scholarship Program honors individual students who show exceptional academic ability and potential for success in Continue Reading...

NBC Bay Area Journalist Delivers Keynote at Justice Assembly

Post Justice Summit 2024

Bellarmine’s Christian Service for Justice and Advocacy Program and Partners in Mission and Ministry hosted an all-school Justice Assembly on February 13 as a follow-up to the Summit on Human Dignity that took place on January 31. The keynote speaker at the assembly was award-winning NBC Bay Area News reporter Continue Reading...

Berchmans Hall in the News

Title: 108-year-old house makes a big move on Bellarmine’s San Jose campus 

Article by: Sal Pizzaro, Bay Area News Group

Read the complete article HERE.

Bellarmine Hosts Summit on Human Dignity

Justice Summit 2024

Bellarmine held its annual Summit on Human Dignity, also known as the Justice Summit, on January 31. As noted by Mr. Geronimo Desumala, director of Christian Service, “This special school day is significant in that we set aside the normal routine to focus on our mission as a community of people gathered to educate students to Continue Reading...

Wade Academic Center Groundbreaking

Capital Campaign, Wade Center Groundbreaking 2024

A groundbreaking ceremony was held on campus the morning of January 27 in celebration of the beginning of construction on the new Wade Academic Center. The facility, scheduled to open for the start of the 2025/26 school year, will include 21 classrooms, the James A. Harville ’63 Speech and Debate Hub, Fr. Dick Cobb Center for Adult Spirituality, and the Continue Reading...

Wade Hall Razed to Make Way for New Academic Center

Capital Campaign, Wade Hall Demolition

Bellarmine’s campus continues to be transformed as Wade Hall (formerly St. Robert’s Hall) is being demolished, making way for the new Wade Academic Center. In addition, Berchmans Hall will be relocated to a portion of the Hedding Street parking lot as a component of what will be an improved Continue Reading...

Artificial Intelligence Primer with Inspirit AI

Artificial intelligence is the defining technology of our times: in our voice-activated devices, smartphone face recognition systems, and autonomous vehicles. Students with diverse interests have the potential to apply this technology for social good in Continue Reading...

Arjun Krishna ’24 in the News

Title: Member spotlight: Arjun Krishna, Teen Member Explores how Governmental Systems Promote Toxic Agricultural Chemicals

Article by: Sierra Club Loma Prieta

Read the complete article HERE.

Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J. Keynote Speaker at Justice Assembly

Justice Summit 2023: Fr. Greg Boyle and Homeboy Industries

Renowned Jesuit Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J. was the keynote speaker at Bellarmine College Prep’s Justice Summit assembly the morning of November 14.

Fr. Boyle is the founder and director of Homeboy Industries, the world's largest gang intervention and rehabilitation program, and the former pastor of Dolores Mission Church in Los Angeles. He is the author of several Continue Reading...