Attendance Policy

Attendance Line: 408-294-0645

Class attendance is an essential part of the educational philosophy and process at Bellarmine. It is the expectation of Bellarmine that each student be in school and on time every day. When students are absent, all pertinent procedures below must be followed in the ways described. Students and parents are expected to be familiar with the school’s attendance procedures. Please note that this page includes an abbreviated version of the full attendance policy, which can be found in the Parent Handbook available b.bcp.opg

Attendance Procedure

If a student is feeling ill or experiencing any symptoms, the student should stay home and work remotely. Parents are expected to call in the absence to the Attendance Line: (408) 294-0645. Students will not be penalized for working remotely and not attending campus classes, as long as the proper steps for notification have been taken.

Appointments/Partial Day Absences

Students should not make appointments during the school day. After school, Friday afternoons, holidays, and vacation periods should be used for appointments. In the rare instance where a student wishes to be excused from class for a medical, dental or orthodontist appointment, or a court appearance, the following procedure should be followed:

Students who will miss the start of the school day for an appointment must call the attendance line (408) 294-0645 by 8:00 a.m. on the day of the appointment. When they return to school, they must present a note or card from the doctor or a court appearance form, as verification.

Students who need to leave campus for an appointment must present a written note from his parents to the Dean’s Office before his first class. A doctor’s verification card of the appointment or a court appearance form is required upon the student’s return to school.

Any other appointments or partial absences, other than those specified above, should be handled in the same manner as a Planned Absence which is detailed in the Parent Handbook. This includes DMV appointments, any observations, holidays, or celebrations of a religious nature, any family matters, and any non-medical personal appointments, including passports, INS, and job interviews. Any student who does not follow the above procedure will be considered as having cut a class.