
49th Golden Bell Auction a Tremendous Success

Golden Bell 2025

On March 8th, Bellarmine’s annual Golden Bell Auction saw 450 guests come together – including alumni, parents, faculty, and friends – for an evening of delicious food, exceptional wine, fantastic company, and immeasurable generosity. The auction raises money for the school’s Direct Tuition Assistance Fund, which supports Continue Reading...

Bellarmine Students Repair and Donate 30 Bikes to Sacred Heart San Jose

Justice Summit 2025 Bike Breeakout Session

As part of Bellarmine’s 2025 Justice Summit, which centered on environmental and climate justice, Luis Szarindar ‘27 and Nate John ‘27 led a “Pedal Power” breakout session to benefit the San Jose community and educate their peers on sustainable modes of transportation. During the session, Luis and Nate taught fellow Bells about Continue Reading...

Provincial’s Message on LA Fires

Letter by: Jesuits West

We have all been heartbroken this week to see the ferocity and devastation of the fires in Los Angeles which, more than three days into this nightmare, are still blazing. Los Angeles has been a hub of Jesuit ministry for more than a century, and it is not only one of the country’s most densely populated Continue Reading...

BCP Holds Another Successful Winter Warmth Drive

Once again, the Bellarmine community rallied to help those in need. Among the many groups who donated warm clothing, blankets, or monetary contributions for HomeFirst and Sacred Heart Community Services during the 31st Annual Winter Warmth Drive, which concluded Continue Reading...

M.E.A.T. Club’s Fundraising Efforts Are Well Done

Homepage Photo 2024

Among the plethora of clubs available to students at Bellarmine is the unique group known as the M.E.A.T. Club, the acronym being Men Eating Animals Together. Beyond having a passion for barbequing and sharing carnivorous adventures, the students have raised significant funds to improve the lives of others. More than Continue Reading...

Thanksgiving Interfaith Prayer Service

Thanksgiving Prayer Service 2024

The Bellarmine community gathered in the Patrick Wayne Valley Memorial Gymnasium the morning of November 19 for the school’s annual Thanksgiving Interfaith Prayer Service, presented by members of the Unity Council. The theme of the service was Continue Reading...

44th President’s Award Dinner

44th President’s Award Dinner

Bellarmine held its 44th President’s Award Dinner the night of October 24. The annual event, which took place on campus in the Samuel A. Liccardo Center, is in recognition of donors who contribute to the school at the $2,500 or more President’s Club level of Continue Reading...

Bellarmine Holds Alumni Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

BHOF Ceremony 2024

Three distinguished Bellarmine alumni and the 2001 Wrestling Team are the newest inductees of the school’s Alumni Hall of Fame. This year’s honorees and their respective categories are John A. Sobrato ’56, founder, The Sobrato Organization and Sobrato Philanthropies (Business); Frank Bergon ’61, author and Continue Reading...

Bellarmine College Prep Announces 2024 Alumni Hall of Fame Honorees

bell, alumni, hall of fame, bhof

Bellarmine College Preparatory has announced that three alumni and one athletic team will be inducted into the Bellarmine Hall of Fame on August 24, 2024. These distinguished individuals embody Bellarmine’s motto of being men for and with others through their extraordinary personal and professional accomplishments and significant contributions to the Continue Reading...

Construction of Wade Academic Center Marks Milestone

Beam Signing 06.25.2024, Capital Campaign, Wade Academic Center

A significant event occurred on the Bellarmine campus the morning of June 25 with the installation of the final steel beam for the framing of Wade Academic Center. To mark the occasion, a topping off ceremony was held, during which guests placed their signatures on the Continue Reading...

Bellarmine Theatre Performer Goes to Broadway

Venice Mayor Jimmy Awards 2024

For the second consecutive year, Bellarmine Theatre Arts will be represented at The Jimmy Awards in New York City. Santa Clara High School student Venice Ella Mayor is a Jimmy Award nominee as recipient of the coveted regional Rita Moreno Award for Best Lead Actress for her performance as Phoebe in Bellarmine’s production of Continue Reading...