Criteria for Honors & Advanced Placement (AP)
The English Department's Honors and AP Program is designed to provide a rigorous course of study for students who enjoy discussing and analyzing literature. Students are placed in English 1 Honors their freshman year based on a comprehensive reading and writing assessment. Informed Enrollment is employed for any honors/AP course beyond that, meaning that interested students must first solicit feedback from their current teacher, parents and counselor—and secure counselor approval—prior to enrollment.
- 2 Semesters Freshman year (English 1 or English 1 Honors)
- 2 Semesters Sophomore year (English 2 or English 2 Honors)
- 2 Semesters Junior year (One year-long course, or two one-semester English electives)
- 2 Semesters Senior year (two one-semester English electives)