The elective program in English offers a wide variety of courses for student selection. These offerings range from thematically organized courses, to special seminars on specific authors, with each course covering relevant short and long works that fit the course’s focus. The typical composition students write at this level continues to build on student’s mastery of the five-paragraph essay. Students are expected to write three such essays each semester. They also study topics such as outlining, introductions and conclusions, transitions, and parallel structure designed to develop specific skills necessary for the writing of effective essays.
This senior English elective will combine the traditional reading and analysis of classic works (such as King Lear, and The Heart of Darkness) and modern works (such as Bambi, V for Vendetta, No Country for Old Men, Zodiac, or Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) with an introduction to film studies and how the medium of cinema interprets literature. A brief history of film and background instruction on film language and elements will be covered. Films that could be studied: Apocalypse Now, No Country for Old Men, Blade Runner, V is for Vendetta, Ran, Citizen Kane, Bambi: A life in the Woods, 2001: A Space Odyssey (plus more). Students will write 2 traditional expository essays (3-4 pages) as well as a creative project. Students will also be involved in 2 major group project. Students will read 5 literary works, plus one film studies text, as well as numerous essays on critiquing film. This course involves considerable reading, literary analysis, and film analysis.