Our Social Science Department educates in the belief that the study of this diverse discipline is an integral part of becoming a “man for and with others.” The exploration of history, geography, politics, economics, culture, and human thought creates an appreciation of our world and a sensitivity to its many peoples. The department feels that the study of the Social Sciences helps each student to better understand the Jesuit mission of the promotion of faith that does justice by focusing on issues of social justice throughout history.
The progression of courses in the Social Science department seeks to develop the fundamental social studies skills of critical reading, writing, and thinking. In lower division courses, study skills such as efficient note taking, close reading, and proper study strategies are also reinforced. Upper division courses stress research, composition, and oral presentation skills.
Criteria for Honors & Advanced Placement (AP)
We offer 7 rigorous honors and AP courses in the Social Sciences to challenge students in several fields. AP course offerings are available sophomore, junior, and senior year. Classes are intended for students interested in pursuing studies in these particular fields in greater depth.
- 1 Semester Freshman year (Ethnic Studies)
- 2 Semesters Sophomore year (World History or AP World History)
- 2 Semesters Junior year (U.S. History or AP U.S. History)
- 2 semesters Senior year (two one-semester long electives or one two-semester AP elective)