Graduation | Bellarmine College Preparatory Skip to main content


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Senior Activities

Class of 2024




Graduation Activities Events & Timeline

  • Senior Activities and Celebration

    Graduation Lawn Signs
    The Bellarmine Alumni Office will be providing one complimentary graduation lawn sign per family. Signs are now available in the Campus Store!

    Distribution Graduation Attire and Purchased Items from The Grad Co.
    Thursday, April 11, 2024
    West Liccardo - 12:00 to 3:00 pm
    Information for picking up graduation attire will be sent to students and families via email.

    College Counseling Shave Ice Day
    Wednesday, April 17, 2024
    Quad - Assembly Time

    Senior Ball
    Saturday, May 4, 2024
    Santa Clara Convention Center

    Senior Sunrise
    Football Field Tuesday
    May 21, 7:15 am – 8:15 am
    There will be breakfast treats and hot cocoa.

  • Awards Assembly - Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 11:00 am

    Students Only

    Our awards assembly is an all-school event and is for students and faculty only. Legacy Films, who is capturing all of our senior events, will be offering the opportunity to purchase a memory video, including the Awards Assembly, after graduation.

  • Surface Pro Return/Graduation Rehearsal - Wednesday, May 22, 2024

    Surface Return
    Wednesday, May 22, 2024
    West Liccardo - 8:45 am

    • All students attending Baccalaureate Mass/Graduation must attend rehearsal
    • Students are required to return the Surface Pro, power cord, pen and case
      • We cannot begin rehearsal until all Surface Pros have been returned
    • Upon the school receiving each student’s Surface Pro and accessories, they will receive four (4) wristbands for Reserved Seating at Graduation


    Graduation Rehearsal
    Wednesday, May 22, 2024
    Football Field - 9:30 am

  • Baccalaureate Mass - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 6:00 pm (Mass typically lasts 1.5 hours)
    • Seating for family and loved ones begins at 5:00 pm; no Reserved Seating
    • Students must attend Baccalaureate if they want to participate in the graduation ceremony
    • Students arrive no later than 5:15 pm on the football field


    + Live Stream

  • Commencement - Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 6:00 pm (Commencement typically lasts 2 hours)

    Leo J. Lucas Quad

    • Students receive four (4) Reserved Seating wristbands upon the return of their Surface Pro and accessories. Students are responsible for the safekeeping of the wristbands as they cannot be replaced
      • Within the Reserved Seating Area, seats are not specifically assigned
      • Handicapped seating is within the Reserved Seating area and is considered with the four (4) reserved seats
    • There is unlimited General Open Seating behind the Reserved Seating
    • Reserved and General Open Seating begins at 5:00 pm
    • Students to arrive no later than 5:15 pm on the football field


  • Student Attire for Baccalaureate and Graduation

    Proper dress (i.e. dress shirt, ties, dress pants, and shoes) and appropriate grooming regulations are still in order and required of all those participating in the ceremonies. As stated in the Student Handbook: Students may have facial hair that is trimmed to a uniform length. The length of all facial hair must be trimmed to one-half (1/2) inch or less.

    Gowns are worn for both events! Cap is only worn at graduation.

    Students are responsible for their own graduation attire (distributed to them on April 11, 2024). We do not have extra caps, gowns, or tassels available for those graduates who have forgotten or lost them. Please take care to have all the appropriate graduation attire with you for each specific event.

    Caps may NOT be decorated.

    Students may wear celebratory leis at graduation only.