Transfer Application

Our transfer application will open on August 28, 2024, and will remain open until Friday, April 11, 2025, at 11:59PM. The application is available through Ravenna. Applications will be processed after the deadline.

The application requirements due by April 11, 2025, 11:59PM:

  • Complete the application form
  • Submit two student essays
  • Submit a parent/guardian statement
  • Request transcript and other records be sent by current school to Bellarmine electronically via Ravenna
  • Request two Academic Recommendations (i.e., provide the recommender's email address in the Delegate Form)
  • Request one optional Non-Academic Recommendation (i.e., provide the recommender's email address in the Delegate Form)
  • Upload copy of baptismal certificate (if Catholic)
  • Pay the non-refundable $75 application fee (all steps must be completed before payment is accepted. If this fee is a burden to your family, please let me know.)

Next steps & Important Dates

An interview invitation will be extended to students who make it to the second round of the application process. These interviews will take place from Monday, May 5 to Friday, May 9.

Applicants will be notified of their admissions decisions by Friday, May 16.

Deposits from accepted transfer students are due Friday, May 23.

Schedule a Shadow Day

We welcome transfer applicants to visit the campus and experience Bellarmine’s special community. All transfer shadow days will be offered on an ad-hoc basis. Please email Mr. Kevin Schmidek at to schedule your son’s visit.