Retreats and Faith Leadership

Campus Ministry, Retreat, Retreats


Retreats are an essential part of developing young men to be reflective, thoughtful believers. Taking time away from the routine of the day and the "busyness" of life helps students gain perspective and evaluate priorities.

Retreat Registration

  • All Students

    Leaders in Mission
    For students participating in any club, affinity group, or student organization who wish to improve their leadership skills by learning how to create an inclusive community, use tech tools to manage projects, set group goals, create a central mission for your group, and plan events. Students are encouraged to sign up with their friends and fellow group members as there will be time to plan and work with your student organization.

    • Leaders in Mission Retreat, August 23 – 24 (Closed)


    Siblings Retreat (junior high (6-8), high school, or college age sibling)
    This retreat will be an opportunity for siblings to pray, reflect, enjoy a meal, attend mass, and engage in meaningful conversations together. We invite your Bellarmine student and their sibling (junior high (6-8), high school, or college age sibling) to take an opportunity to celebrate and strengthen their relationship in the light of God’s love. Participants will enjoy dinner together (provided by BCP).

    • Siblings Retreat, November 8 (Closed)


    Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius 18th Annotation Retreat in Everyday Life
    Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius 18th Annotation Retreat in Everyday Life will run for 9 weeks between the weeks of 2/24-5/2 (mostly through Lent and part of Easter), meet once a week, and pray on your own daily.


    Diocesan Youth Retreat San Jose (Non-BCP Sponsored Retreat)
    DYR (Diocesan Youth Retreat) is an annual summer retreat hosted by the Diocese of San Jose’s Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. This retreat takes place at Zephyr Point Conference Center in South Lake Tahoe.


    Transfer Student Retreat
    Transfer students gather together for one school day to get to know each other, and the Bellarmine community, better.

    • Transfer Student Retreat, October 4 (Closed)


    Ever to Excel, Boston College (Non-BCP Sponsored Retreat)
    Ever to Excel – Spiritual Exercises for high school students through Boston College
    (please note this is not a BCP led retreat – just a link to a great opportunity for students to go on their own)

    Come to Boston College for a week this summer and experience Ever to Excel. Guided by the wisdom of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, you will learn more about your place in the world and how to create a more meaningful life through the lens of Ignatian spirituality. Click on link below for more details and to register.

    Session I: July 21-26, 2024 (Closed)
    Session II: July 28–August 2, 2024 (Closed)


    Wilderness Retreat

    • Date: TBD 
  • Freshmen

    CLC Caring Life Community
    Caring Life Community or CLC is a transformative program that not only fosters deep connections and personal growth among students but also nurtures their faith and spirituality. In this unique initiative, participants are assigned to small groups and gather weekly to share their stories, dreams, and challenges in a supportive and empathetic environment. Our program extends beyond personal growth, incorporating faith, scripture, reflective activities, and open dialogue to create a holistic and enriching experience.


  • Sophomores

    Servant Leadership Overnight Retreat
    This retreat is about growing in understanding of what it means to be a Servant Leader. Bellarmine identifies being "open to growth and leadership opportunities" as one of the values that every single student should develop by the time that he graduates. This retreat offers students time to reflect on their gifts and talents, recognize God’s invitation toward leadership, and consider the call to share their personal gifts and talents with others. Activities will include presentations, small group sharing, team building activities, and other prayer experiences. This is an overnight retreat.

    Please do not register for SLOR if you have already attended. All SLOR retreats are for first-time attendees only. Retreats are not meant to be attended more than once.

    • Servant Leadership Overnight Retreat #1 September 25 – 26 (Closed)
    • Servant Leadership Overnight Retreat #2 March 19 – 20 (Waitlist)


    Registration for SLOR is now full. Please contact Cindy Bailey at

  • Juniors

    This four-day, overnight retreat is an opportunity for juniors and seniors to reflect on self and relationships with God, family, and friends. Through the experience of group discussion, prayer, and Sacraments, students are guided to see life in a new way, and more fully appreciate the remaining days of high school and the years ahead.

    Please do not register for Kairos if you have already attended. All Kairos retreats are for first-time attendees only. Retreats are not meant to be attended more than once.

    • Kairos 168, September 10 – 13 (Closed)
    • Kairos 170, February 4 – 7 (Closed)
    • Kairos 171, March 4 – 7 (Closed)
    • Kairos 172, May 27 – 30 (Open)


    Kairos Leader Application
    Already attended Kairos? What's next?

    If you have already attended and wish to to apply to be a leader, please complete application below 


    The Crew - Kairos Leadership on Campus
    Have you already been on Kairos?

    Join The Crew and be a part of a leadership team on campus that will bring the Kairos spirit to the BCP campus in an everyday way.


    The Crew Formation

    The Crew is a group of students who continue to grow and share the spiritual wisdom, care, and community grown on the Kairos retreat with the larger BCP community. This partial day experience will provide a day of fun in nature, connection, and creativity as The Crew strenghtens bonds and makes concrete plans to for the work ahead.


    "Every Family is Holy" - Parent-Child Retreat
    The parent-child retreat has been a tradition for decades and we are blessed to continue sharing it with the BCP community. There will be time together and on your own to reflect, share, take a walk, pray, and experience time with your son.

  • Seniors

    This four-day, overnight retreat is an opportunity for juniors and seniors to reflect on self and relationships with God, family, and friends. Through the experience of group discussion, prayer, and Sacraments, students are guided to see life in a new way, and more fully appreciate the remaining days of high school and the years ahead.

    Please do not register for Kairos if you have already attended. All Kairos retreats are for first-time attendees only. Retreats are not meant to be attended more than once.


    Kairos Leader Application
    Already attended Kairos? What's next?

    If you have already attended and wish to to apply to be a leader, please complete application below 


    The Crew - Kairos Leadership on Campus
    Have you already been on Kairos?

    Join The Crew and be a part of a leadership team on campus that will bring the Kairos spirit to the BCP campus in an everyday way.


    The Crew Formation

    The Crew is a group of students who continue to grow and share the spiritual wisdom, care, and community grown on the Kairos retreat with the larger BCP community. This partial day experience will provide a day of fun in nature, connection, and creativity as The Crew strenghtens bonds and makes concrete plans to for the work ahead.


    Athletic Leadership Retreat
    Calling all senior athletes! Unlock your leadership potential with this two-day athletic leadership retreat. Learn how to build a positive team culture with winning leadership tools that blend Ignatian leadership principles and empower you to create a lasting impact on your program.

    • Athletic Leadership Retreat, August 10th-11th (Closed)


    "Every Family is Holy" - Parent-Child Retreat
    The parent-child retreat has been a tradition for decades and we are blessed to continue sharing it with the BCP community. There will be time together and on your own to reflect, share, take a walk, pray, and experience time with your son.

Faith Leadership & Daily Prayer Sign-Ups

  • All Students

    Daily Prayer
    All students are invited to lead the morning prayer over our intercom system using a favorite prayer, scripture, poem, or something they have written. A prayer could be related to a topic being covered in a certain class or in anticipation of a faith & justice event hosted on campus. We welcome prayers that celebrate our community’s different areas of interest, religious traditions, or cultural expressions.


    Eucharistic Ministers
    The Eucharist is the special gift that God shares with us. Eucharistic ministers assist in our liturgy by administering the Sacrament and offering blessings so that people experience God’s love in a deep and personal way. Students must  have completed the Sacrament of Confirmation to serve as a Eucharistic Minister.


    Beautiful music has the potential to open our eyes to God’s presence. In this way, our musicians and choir help make our liturgies come alive!  If your student likes to sing or play an instrument, we encourage them to share his talent by becoming a member of the Bells Choir. Rehearsals will take place during Community Time.


    Teacher's Assistant (TA)
    Want to get a behind the scenes view of how campus ministry runs? Join the TA team! Campus ministry TAs have the opportunity to help prepare campus ministry events and serve our school’s faith life, like liturgies and retreats. TAs have access to special snacks and opportunities.